Organization of American States met in emergency session while the Obama administration expressed concern over events in the Central American nation. 奥巴马政府对这起发生在中美洲国家的事件表示关注。
The Georgian government, nonetheless, met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law. 然而,格鲁吉亚政府紧急开会,称俄罗斯的行动是实际上进行并吞程序的一部分。格鲁吉亚称这种行动是违反国际法的。
British Prime Minister David Cameron has called for an emergency session of parliament. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦紧急召开英国议会会议。
In early March, in Perak in Malaysia, the state assembly convened an emergency session under a tree. 三月上旬,在马拉西亚的perak,国会在一棵树下召开了一次紧急会议。
She told an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council last month that the outbreak was likely the greatest peacetime challenge that the United Nations and its agencies have ever faced. 她上个月在联合国安理会召开的一次紧急会议上表示,埃博拉可能是联合国及其机构有史以来在和平时期面临的最大挑战。
Egypt and council member Morocco requested the emergency session on behalf of the Palestinians. 这次安理会紧急会议是应埃及和安理会成员国摩洛哥以巴基斯坦人的名义要求召开的。
But a rebellion led by a handful of Pasok members of parliament did not prevent Mr Papandreou from winning cabinet approval for a referendum on Tuesday night after a seven-hour emergency session. 然而,由少数几位泛希腊社会主义运动党议员领导的倒戈,并未阻止帕潘德里欧赢得内阁的支持&周二晚间,希腊内阁在召开7个小时的紧急会议后,赞同举行公投。
The President requested an emergency session of the United nations. 总统请求联合国召开紧急会议。
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the talks would focus on whether to call for an emergency session of the International Atomic Energy Agency and ask its governors to refer Iran to the United Nations Security council. 英国外交大臣斯特劳说,会谈的焦点是是否要求国际原子能机构召开紧急会议,并请求该机构理事会把伊朗问题提交给联合国安理会。
The board's called an emergency session for first thing tomorrow morning. 董事会决定开明天一早召开紧急会议。
The UN Security Council met in emergency session to discuss the crisis. 联合国安全理事会举行紧急会议讨论危机问题。
No country has formally requested an emergency session, and the UN will wait to hear what South Korea might want from such a meeting. 没有任何国家要求召开紧急会议,联合国希望等待韩国意图从这样的会议中得到什么样的结果。
An emergency session of the United Nations Security council. 联合国安全理事会紧急会议。
The UN Security Council has agreed to request from Japan for an emergency session later on Sunday. 联合国安理会已同意日本关于周日晚些时候召开紧急会议的请求。
The United Nations Security Council has adjourned an emergency session without agreeing a response to the sentencing of Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to a further period of detention. 联合国安理会延期召开了紧急会议,但是未达成一致意见。美国常驻联合国代表团在会上发出一份声明草案,谴责缅甸政府的判决。
An emergency session of Congress was called. 国会召开了紧急会议。
The Algerian state news agency said the oil cartel might call an emergency session next month, ahead of its scheduled meeting in late December, to discuss the drop in prices. 阿尔及利亚国家新闻通讯社表示,该组织可能会在下个月召集一次紧急会议,比原定于12月下旬的会议有所提前,旨在讨论油价的下跌。
Police levels London would remain elevated at16,000 through the weekend, Cameron told an emergency session of parliament. 卡梅伦在议会紧急会议上表示,本周,伦敦警察数量将继续增加到一万六千名。
Call the cabinet in for an emergency session. 召集内阁成员参加紧急会议。
The constitutions of parliament pattern countries also outline the provision with declaring emergency when parliament is not in session. 实施议会模式的国家的宪法也规定了议会闭会时紧急权力的宣布情形。